Attracting, developing, engaging and retaining a diverse and talented workforce is key to accomplishing our goals and achieving business results.
Our values are a fundamental part of our day-to-day operations. They govern the way we work, the way we behave and the way we interact. They transcend location, role and function. Values drive value, which is why we take them seriously.
Our promise to our employees is to foster a rewarding and respectful environment where they can pursue their potential and be All In @Post. As outlined in our Code of Conduct, our success can only be achieved if we treat everyone with respect. Each of us has a right to work in an environment free from harassment, discrimination, violence and retaliation.
Empowering Our People
Respect For Each Other
We believe that respect lays the groundwork for us to learn from each other, explore our strengths, persevere through challenges and form meaningful, professional relationships. All employees receive annual Respect for Each Other awareness and training, which encompasses anti-harassment, anti discrimination and non-retaliation. Exempt and hourly administrative employees receive this training via e-learning. At production facilities, we provide in-person training to include hourly production employees.
Speak Up Hotline
As part of our culture, we encourage managers to create an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable speaking up whenever they have a concern about something specific or general. We seek a culture where employees may report concerns regarding unlawful, fraudulent or unethical actions without fear of retaliation. The Employee Speak Up line is staffed by an independent third-party provider and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in every country where we operate.