Waste Minimization

Pursuing a more sustainable future

Our Commitment: Assess our waste to landfill across the enterprise, as waste minimization, recycling and reuse is of the utmost importance to our business, the environment and society. Waste management, recycling and reuse is of the utmost importance to our business, the environment and society. We continually monitor and implement best practices for waste recycling and reuse throughout our operations.

Our Progress: We generated 2% more nonhazardous waste in fiscal year 2024, but were able to recycle 3% more than the previous fiscal year resulting in an overall diversion from landfill rate of 92%. Our Weetabix business has been zero waste since fiscal year 2016, and our two largest businesses, Post Consumer Brands and Foodservice, achieved 95% and 93% landfill diversion, respectively. The inclusion of pet operations results in a waste generated intensity of 0.17 and a decrease to 90% landfill diversion for fiscal year 2024.

During our fiscal year 2024 data review, we identified inconsistencies in waste definitions and calculations for fiscal years 2020-2022, so the intensity values are not displayed above.

No Waste
Zero Waste to Landfill

Since 2016, Weetabix’s waste streams no longer include Landfill, with waste either being recycled, used as animal feed or sent to “Waste to Energy” incineration